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Forest M. Bird

Forest M. BirdBorn: 1921Birthplace: Stoughton, Mass Medical respirators—Bird developed the first highly reliable, low-cost mass-produced respirator in the world. His “Babybird ” respirator…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Life

LifeA train of gay and clouded days Dappled with joy and grief and praise, Beauty to fire us, saints to save, Escort us to a little grave. No fate, save by the victim's fault, is low, For God…

Walt Whitman: Old War-Dreams

Old War-DreamsIn midnight sleep of many a face of anguish, Of the look at first of the mortally wounded, (of that indescribable look,) Of the dead on their backs with arms extended wide…

Leonard Baskin 2000 Deaths

Leonard BaskinAge: 77 figurative sculptor and graphic artist known for his work that conveyed a sense of urgency and drama. Mortality was a common theme in his art, and he created a bas…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Manners

MannersGrace, Beauty and Caprice Build this golden portal; Graceful women, chosen men, Dazzle every mortal. Their sweet and lofty countenance His enchanted food; He need not go to them, their…