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Displaying 491 - 500

William Shakespeare: Timon of Athens, Act II

Act IIScene IA Senator's houseEnter Senator, with papers in his handSenatorAnd late, five thousand: to Varro and to Isidore He owes nine thousand; besides my former sum, Which makes it five…

William Shakespeare: Timon of Athens, Act III

Act IIIScene IA room in Lucullus' houseFlaminius waiting. Enter a Servant to himServantI have told my lord of you; he is coming down to you.FlaminiusI thank you, sir.Enter LucullusServantHere…

William Shakespeare: Timon of Athens, Act IV

Act IVScene IWithout the walls of AthensEnter TimonTimonLet me look back upon thee. O thou wall, That girdlest in those wolves, dive in the earth, And fence not Athens! Matrons, turn…

William Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus, Act II

Act IIScene IRome. Before the PalaceEnter AaronAaronNow climbeth Tamora Olympus' top, Safe out of fortune's shot; and sits aloft, Secure of thunder's crack or lightning flash; Advanced above…

William Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus, Act III

Act IIIScene IRome. A streetEnter Judges, Senators and Tribunes, with Martius and Quintus, bound, passing on to the place of execution; Titus going before, pleadingTitus AndronicusHear me,…

William Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus, Act IV

Act IVScene IRome. Titus's gardenEnter young Lucius, and Lavinia running after him, and the boy flies from her, with books under his arm. Then enter Titus and MarcusYoung LuciusHelp,…