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(Encyclopedia) scammony: see morning glory.


(Encyclopedia) dodder: see morning glory.


(Encyclopedia) moonflower: see morning glory.


(Encyclopedia) bindweed: see morning glory.

Sara Teasdale: Morning Song

Morning SongA diamond of a morning Waked me an hour too soon; Dawn had taken in the stars And left the faint white moon.O white moon, you are lonely, It is the same with me, But we have…

Walt Whitman: Wandering at Morn

Wandering at MornWandering at morn, Emerging from the night from gloomy thoughts, thee in my thoughts, Yearning for thee harmonious Union! thee, singing bird divine! Thee coil'd in evil times…

Brewer's: Small Hours of the Morning

(The). One, two, three, four, etc., before day-break. A student who sits up all night, and goes to bed at one, two, three, etc., is said to work till the small hours of the morning, or to…


(Encyclopedia) PawneePawneepônēˈ [key], Native North Americans whose language belongs to the Caddoan branch of the Hokan-Siouan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). At one time the…


(Encyclopedia) convolvulusconvolvuluskənvŏlˈvyələs [key]: see morning glory.