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morning glory

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Morning glory, Convolvulus arvensis morning glory, common name for members of the Convolvulaceae, a family of herbs, shrubs, and small trees (many of them climbing forms)…

evening star

(Encyclopedia) evening star or morning star, planet that becomes visible in the western sky shortly after sunset or in the eastern sky shortly before sunrise. It can usually be seen in twilight, when…

Brewer's: Morning

The first glass of whisky drunk by Scotch fishermen in salutation to the dawn. Thus one fisherman will say to another. “Hae ye had your morning, Tam?” or “I haena had my morning, yet, Jock…


(Encyclopedia) hallelhallelhəlālˈ, hălˈĕl [key] [Heb.,=praise], in Judaism, Psalms 113 to 118, sung every morning of Hanukkah, at the Passover service, and at the morning service of most major Jewish…

Poem: Morning at the Window

Poem 16 Poem 18 Morning at the Window They are rattling breakfast plates in basement kitchens, And along the trampled edges of the street I am aware of the damp souls of housemaids…

Poems: Morning at the Window

by T. S. Eliot Rhapsody on a Windy NightThe Boston Evening TranscriptMorning at the Window They are rattling breakfast plates in basement kitchens, And along the trampled edges of the…

Sara Teasedale: Morning

MorningI went out on an April morning All alone, for my heart was high, I was a child of the shining meadow, I was a sister of the sky.There in the windy flood of morning Longing…

Brewer's: Pride of the Morning

That early mist or shower which promises a fine day. The Morning is too proud to come out in her glory all at once- or the proud beauty being thwarted weeps and pouts awhile. Keble uses…

Brewer's: Son of the Morning

A traveller. An Oriental phrase, alluding to the custom of rising early in the morning to avoid the mid-day heat, when on one's travels. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…