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Brewer's: Tolmen

(in French, Dolmen). An immense mass of stone placed on two or more vertical ones, so as to admit a passage between them. (Celtic, tol or dol, table; men, stone.) The Constantine Tolmen,…

Brewer's: Rollrich

or Rowidrich Stones, near Chipping Norton (Oxfordshire). A number of large stones in a circle, which tradition says are men turned to stone. The highest of them is called the King, who “…

Brewer's: Rota

or Rota Men. A political club formed in 1651 by Harrington, author of Oceana. Its objects were to introduce rotation in office, and voting by ballot. It met at the Turk's Head, in New…

Brewer's: Midsummer Men

The plants called Orpine or Live-long, one of the Sedum tribe. Stonecrop is another variety of the same species of plants. Orpine is the French word for stonecrop. Live-long, so called…

Brewer's: Dolmen

A name given in France to what we term “cromlechs.” These ancient remains are often called by the rural population devils' tables, fairies' tables, and so on. (Celtic, stone tables.) It…

Brewer's: Ihram

The white cotton dress worn by Mohammedan pilgrims to Mecca, For men, two scarfs, without seams or ornament of any kind, of any material except silk; one scarf is folded round the loins,…

Brewer's: Monumental Figures

No. 1. (1) Those in stone, with plain sloping roofs, and without inscriptions, are the oldest. (2) In 1160 these plain prismatic roofs began to be ornamented. (3) In the same century the…

The Congress of Women: Pioneer Woman of Oregon

by Elizabeth M. Wilson Evolution of American LiteratureA Study in Göethe's Faust.Pioneer Woman of Oregon Elizabeth M. Wilson is a native of South Argle, N. Y. Her parents were Rev. Jos. P.…

June 2001 News and Events

World Blast Kills 17 in Tel Aviv (June 1): Dozens injured in powerful blast by suicide bomber outside crowded disco. Most deadly attack since Israeli-Palestinian violence began last fall. Peru…

Books Under Fire

Banned Books Week calls attention to the most challenged and banned books in the U.S. by Borgna Brunner More information on Banned Books Week American Library…