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Displaying 371 - 380

Safest and Most Dangerous U.S. Cities, 2009

The following table ranks the safest and most dangerous cities in the United States as of 2009. The cities all have populations of more than 75,000. The rankings are based on a city's rate…

Men's NCAA Basketball Championships, 2003

Division IFirst Round—EastNo. Carolina 74, California 76 (OT)So. Carolina St. 54, Oklahoma 71Manhattan 65, Syracuse 76Pennsylvania 63, Oklahoma State 77Auburn 65, St. Joseph's 63 (OT)East…

Brewer's: Gods

BRITONS. The gods of the ancient Britons. Taramis (the father of the gods and master of thunder), Teutates (patron of commerce and inventor of letters), Esus (god of war), Belinus (=…

2005 National Journalism Awards

The Scripps Howard Foundation sponsors the annual National Journalism Awards, honoring the best in print, Web and electronic journalism and journalism education. Investigative Reporting Walt…