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The Chemistry Place

Virtual ChemLab Interactive Periodic Table Conversion Calculator Chemistry Science Projects: Beginner Level Chemistry Science Projects: Intermediate Level Chemistry Science…

Glossary of Chemical Terms

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z   Virtual ChemLab Interactive Periodic Table Conversion Calculator Chemistry Encyclopedia Articles A-Z Organic Chemistry A-Z Compounds and…

How Much Sun Am I Getting?

Though the amount of UV radiation to which you are exposed varies with the time of day, season, latitude, and altitude, it can also be increased depending on your immediate environment.…

What Role Does Ozone-Layer Depletion Play?

The ozone layer shields the earth from the sun's harmful UV rays. Over the past ten years, scientists worldwide have recorded decreasing levels of ozone in the atmosphere. Less ozone means…

Effects of Sun

Sunburn. Overexposure to the sun can happen in just a few hours. A bad reaction includes tenderness, pain, swelling, and blistering, and may include fever, chills, and nausea. While there…

What Are Proper Precautions?

Preventing skin cancer and eye damage. Skin cancer is increasing faster than any other form of cancer, with over 1 million new cases predicted to occur in the U.S. this year. Listen to the…

An American Heroine

Amelia Earhart and her Lockheed Electra Over sixty years after Amelia Earhart vanished mysteriously in the Pacific during her attempt to become the first person to circumnavigate the…

Aviation Websites

U.S. Air Force: Strategic Air & Space Museum: National Air & Space Museum: National Aviation Hall of Fame…