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Displaying 301 - 310

Brewer's: Consentes Dii

The twelve chief Roman deities- Jupiter, Apollo, Mars, Neptune, Mercury, and Vulcan. Juno, Vesta, Minerva, Ceres, Diana, and Venus. Ennius puts them into two hexameter verses: Juno, Vesta…

Brewer's: Uriel

“Regent of the Sun,” and “sharpest-sighted spirit of all in heaven.” (Milton: Paradise Lost, iii. 690.) Longfellow, in the Golden Legend, makes Raphael the angel of the Sun, and Uriel the…

Brewer's: Seven Bodies in Alchemy

Sun is gold, moon silver, Mars iron, Mercury quicksilver, Saturn lead, Jupiter tin, and Venus copper. The bodies seven, eek, lo hem heer anoon; Sol gold is, and Luna silver we threpe; Mars…

Brewer's: The Acmonian Wood

Acmon′ian The trystplace of unlawful love. It was here that Mars had his assignation with Harmonïa, who became the mother of the Amazons. “C'est là que ... Mars eut les faveurs de la…

Brewer's: Marseillaise

(3 syl.). The grand song of the French Revolution. Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle, an artillery officer in garrison at Strasbourg, composed both the words and the $$$ for Dietrich mayor of…

Brewer's: Ptolemaic System

The system of Claudius Ptolemæus, a celebrated astronomer of Palusium, in Egypt, of the eleventh century. He taught that the earth is fixed in the centre of the universe, and the heavens…

Brewer's: Early to Bed

“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Lever à cinq, diner à neuf, Souper à cinq, coucher à neuf, Font vivre d'ans nonante neuf. (The older of the two.)…

Major Bouts, 2001–02: Minimumweights (105 lbs)

(Strawweights or Mini-Flyweights)DateWinnerLoserResultTitleSiteNov. 11Jose Antonio AguirreWolf YasuoTKO 3WBCOkayama, JapanJan. 4Roberto LeyvaFrankie SotoTKO 5IBFEnsenada, MexicoJan. 29Keitaro…