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Gibbs, James

(Encyclopedia) Gibbs, James, 1682–1754, English architect, b. Scotland, studied in Rome under Carlo Fontana. Returning to England in 1709, he was appointed a member of the commission authorized to…

Gambier Islands

(Encyclopedia) Gambier Islands Gambier Islands gămˈbĭr [key], volcanic islands (6 sq mi/15.5 sq km), South Pacific,…

Hanover, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Hanover. 1 Town (2020 pop. 14,833), Plymnouth co., SE Mass.; settled 1649, inc. 1727. An iron forge was located there that produced…

Hovhaness, Alan

(Encyclopedia) Hovhaness, AlanHovhaness, Alanhōvhäˈnəs [key], 1911–2000, American composer, b. Somerville, Mass., as Alan Vaness Chakmakjian. Hovhaness was of Armenian and Scottish descent, and many…

irritable bowel syndrome

(Encyclopedia) irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), condition characterized by constipation, diarrhea, or alternating constipation and diarrhea in the absence of any disease process. It is usually…


(Encyclopedia) IturaeaIturaeaĭty&oobreve;rēˈə [key], ancient country on the northern border of Palestine. According to tradition, Jetur, the son of Ishmael, was its founder. Ancient geographers…

Lovecraft, H. P.

(Encyclopedia) Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips Lovecraft), 1890–1937, American writer, b. Providence, R.I. A master of Gothic horror, fantasy, and science fiction of a most rococo variety, he is…

Mitchell, Wesley Clair

(Encyclopedia) Mitchell, Wesley Clair, 1874–1948, American economist, b. Rushville, Ill. He received his Ph.D. (1899) from the Univ. of Chicago, where he studied under Thorstein Veblen and John Dewey…


(Encyclopedia) cutting, in horticulture, part of a plant stem, leaf, or root cut off and used for producing a new plant. It is a convenient and inexpensive method of propagation, not possible for all…


(Encyclopedia) cutworm, name for the larvae of many moths of the family Noctuidae (owlet moths). These larvae, or caterpillars, feed at night on the stems and roots of young plants, often cutting…