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Displaying 231 - 240

Benny Green

KaleidoscopeBlue Note The young pianist's latest album has many of the ingredients essential to good jazz. First, it features some of the best current talent, including Stanley Turrentine and…

Joe Jackson

Night and Day IISony Classical There's danger in trying to duplicate one's best work, and Joe Jackson has taken a big risk by crafting a sequel to his jazz-tinged 1982 classic Night and Day.…

Orson Welles Biography

Orson Wellesdirector, writer, actor, producerBorn: 5/6/1915Birthplace: Kenosha, Wisconsin Academy Award-winning film and stage director, actor, writer and producer who redefined film language with…

Sentence Variety

  Many students think that the longer the sentence they write, the better the sentence. This is far from the truth. You do not need long, complicated sentences to show that you are a…

Tao Te Ching: Chapter 14

Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) by Laozi, trans. James Legge Chapter 13 Chapter 15 Chapter 14 1 We look at it, and we do not see it, and we name it 'the Equable.' We listen to it, and we do not…

Air Traffic Controller

Eric Tell us about your work---what do you do? I provide for a safe and expeditious flow of airplanes through a portion of the sky. What skills are…

Poems by Emily Dickinson: Reticence

The Lost Thought With Flowers Reticence The reticent volcano keeps His never slumbering plan; Confided are his projects pink To no precarious man. If nature will not tell the…

Aesop's Fables: The Peasant and the Apple-Tree

by Aesop The Boy and the NettlesThe Jackdaw and the PigeonsThe Peasant and the Apple-Tree A Peasant had an Apple-tree growing in his garden, which bore no fruit, but merely served to…

Charlie Haden and Pat Metheny

Beyond the Missouri SkyVerve This much-awaited album of duets features two accomplished jazz veterans in bassist Charlie Haden and guitarist Pat Metheny. Not surprisingly, they don't…

Tracy Chapman

Telling StoriesElektra Proving that she has life long beyond her breakthrough single "Fast Car," Tracy Chapman sold eight million copies of 1995's New Beginning. She picks up where she left…