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(Encyclopedia) BibracteBibractebĭbrăkˈtē [key], former capital of the Aedui, site atop Mont Beuvray, central France. There Caesar defeated (58 b.c.) the Helvetii (see Gallic Wars). Excavations on the…


(Encyclopedia) CopánCopánkōpänˈ [key], ruined city of the Maya, W Honduras, in a small river valley of the same name. Copán is noted for its fine sculptured stele and majestic architecture. The ruins…

Mrauk U

(Encyclopedia) Mrauk U, archaeological site and capital of the former Arakan kingdom, Rakhine State, central W Myanmar. The kingdom flourished in the 15th to 18th cent., and Mrauk U was an important…


(Encyclopedia) ÇatalhöyükÇatalhöyükchätäalˈhöyükˈ [key] or ÇatalhüyükÇatalhöyük–hü– [key], Neolithic settlement on the Konya Plain in S Turkey that flourished c.6500–c.5800 b.c. The site, first…


(Encyclopedia) UxmalUxmal&oomacr;shmälˈ, &oomacr;z– [key], ancient city, northern Yucatán peninsula, Mexico. A Late Classic period Maya center situated in the Puuc hills, Uxmal flourished…

Minidoka National Historic Site

(Encyclopedia) Minidoka National Historic Site: see National Parks and Monuments (table)national parks and monuments (table).

Manzanar National Historic Site

(Encyclopedia) Manzanar National Historic Site: see National Parks and Monuments (table)national parks and monuments (table).