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(Encyclopedia) CE5 Types of trees tree, perennial woody plant with a single main stem (the trunk, or bole) from which branches and twigs extend to form a characteristic crown of foliage. In…

flood, in hydrology

(Encyclopedia) flood, inundation of land by the rise and overflow of a body of water. Floods occur most commonly when water from heavy rainfall, from melting ice and snow, or from a combination of…

agricultural subsidies

(Encyclopedia) agricultural subsidies, financial assistance to farmers through government-sponsored price-support programs. Beginning in the 1930s most industrialized countries developed agricultural…


(Encyclopedia) Bali Bali bäˈlē [key], island and (with two offshore islets) province, c.2,200 sq mi…


(Encyclopedia) Shandong or ShantungShandongboth: shän-d&oobreve;ng [key] [east of the (Taishan) mountains], province (2010 pop. 95,793,065), c.59,000 sq mi (152,850 sq km), NE China. Jinan is the…


(Encyclopedia) SinaiSinaisīˈnī [key], triangular peninsula, c.23,000 sq mi (59,570 sq km), NE Egypt. It is c.230 mi (370 km) long and 150 mi (240 km) wide and extends north into a broad isthmus…

privacy, right of

(Encyclopedia) privacy, right of, the right to be left alone without unwarranted intrusion by government, media, or other institutions or individuals. While a consensus supporting the right to…


(Encyclopedia) polo, indoor or outdoor ball and goal game played on horseback. Some historians claim that polo originated in Persia in the 6th cent.; it spread to Turkey, India, and Tibet and, with…


(Encyclopedia) OdishaOdishaŏdĭshˈə [key], formerly OrissaOrissaərĭsˈə, ō– [key], state (2001 provisional pop. 36,706,920), 60,162 sq mi (155,820 sq km), E India, on the Bay of Bengal. Bhubaneswar is…

corrupt practices

(Encyclopedia) corrupt practices, in politics, fraud connected with elections. The term also refers to various offenses by public officials, including bribery, the sale of offices, granting of public…