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learning disabilities

(Encyclopedia) learning disabilities, in education, any of various disorders involved in understanding or using spoken or written language, including difficulties in listening, thinking, talking,…

Great Salt Lake

(Encyclopedia) Great Salt Lake, shallow body of saltwater, NW Utah, between the Wasatch Range on the east and the Great Salt Lake Desert on the west; largest salt lake in North America. Fed by the…


(Encyclopedia) Hubei or Hupeh Hubei both: h&oomacr;ˈbāˈ [key], province, c.72,000 sq mi (186,480 sq km), central…

Jordan, river, Asia

(Encyclopedia) Jordan, river, c.200 mi (320 km) long, formed in the Hula basin, N Israel, by the confluence of three headwater streams and meandering S through the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea; the…

Major, John, 1943–, British politician

(Encyclopedia) Major, John, 1943–, British statesman, b. John Major Ball. Raised in a working-class area of London, he was elected to Lambeth borough council (1968–71) and entered Parliament as a…


(Encyclopedia) axolotlaxolotlăkˈsəlŏtˌəl [key], a salamander, Ambystoma mexicanum, found in certain lakes in the region of Mexico City, which reaches reproductive maturity without losing its larval…

octane number

(Encyclopedia) octane number, figure of merit representing the resistance of gasoline to premature detonation when exposed to heat and pressure in the combustion chamber of an internal-combustion…


(Encyclopedia) marmot, ground-living rodent of the genus Marmota, of the squirrel family, closely related to the ground squirrel, prairie dog, and chipmunk. Marmots are found in Eurasia and North…


(Encyclopedia) ManipurManipurmənĭp&oobreve;rˈ [key], state (2001 provisional pop. 2,388,634), 8,628 sq mi (22,347 sq km), NE India, bordered by Myanmar on the south and east. Imphal is the…

Atacama Desert

(Encyclopedia) Atacama DesertAtacama Desertätäkäˈmä [key], arid region, c.600 mi (970 km) long, N Chile, extending south from the border of Peru. The desert itself, c.2,000 ft (610 m) above sea level…