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excess profits tax

(Encyclopedia) excess profits tax, levy on any profit above a standard level. Chiefly a wartime phenomenon, it is intended to increase revenue during periods of distress and to prevent businessmen…

Brunschvicg, Léon

(Encyclopedia) Brunschvicg, LéonBrunschvicg, LéonlāôNˈ brünˈshvēk [key], 1869–1944, French philosopher, b. Paris. From 1909 until his death he taught at the Sorbonne. Brunschvicg's philosophy, which…


(Encyclopedia) Abbottabad Abbottabad ăbˈətäbäd [key], city (2020 pop. 1,332,912), NE Pakistan. It is a popular health resort c.4,000 ft (1,220 m) above sea level in the…


(Encyclopedia) aflatoxinsaflatoxinsăfˈlətäkˌsĭnz [key], a group of secondary metabolites that are cancer-causing byproducts of a mold that grows on nuts and grains, particularly peanuts. Although…


(Encyclopedia) carburetorcarburetorkärˈbyərāˈtər, –bə– [key], part of a gasoline engine in which liquid fuel is converted into a vapor and mixed with a regulated amount of air for combustion in the…

Carte, Richard D'Oyly

(Encyclopedia) Carte, Richard D'OylyCarte, Richard D'Oylydoiˈlē kärt [key], 1844–1901, English impresario. His choice of presentations did much to raise the level of English musical theater. In 1875…

Zeami Motokiyo

(Encyclopedia) Zeami MotokiyoZeami Motokiyozāˈäˈmē mōˈtōˈkēˈyō [key] or Kanze Motokiyo, c.1363–c.1443, Japanese actor, playwright, and drama theorist. Son of the itinerant actor Kanami, at the age of…


(Encyclopedia) theodolitetheodolitethēŏdˈəlītˌ [key], calibrated optical instrument used to determine relative position in surveying, navigation, and meteorology. It is similar in construction to a…

Catskill Mountains

(Encyclopedia) Catskill Mountains, dissected plateau of the Appalachian Mt. system, SE N.Y., W of the Hudson River. This glaciated region, wooded and rolling, with deep gorges and many waterfalls, is…

radiation weapon

(Encyclopedia) radiation weapon or radiological weapon, a bomb or warhead that uses conventional chemical explosives to disperse radioactive material, sometimes called a “dirty bomb.” Designed to…