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Wilson, Lanford

(Encyclopedia) Wilson, Lanford, 1937–2011, American playwright, b. Lebanon, Mo. An important figure in modern drama, he was a master of earthy, realistic dialogue in which monologue, conversation,…


(Encyclopedia) SapphoSapphosăfˈō [key], fl. early 6th cent. b.c., greatest of the early Greek lyric poets (Plato calls her “the tenth Muse”), b. Mytilene on Lesbos. Facts about her life are scant.…

Famous Firsts by LGBT Americans

  Some early accomplishments by LGBT Americans LGBT Firsts: Government1 Local elected lesbian official: Kathy Kozachenko, 1974, Ann Arbor City Council, Mich. Local elected gay official: Harvey…

Lorde, Audrey Geraldine

(Encyclopedia) Lorde, Audre, 1934–1992, African-American poet, essayist, and civil rights activist, b. New York City, grad. Columbia (M.L.S. 1961).…

LGBT Pride Month

The six-striped rainbow flag first became a symbol of the LGBT community in San Francisco in 1978.Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month is observed every June in the United States and…

23rd Lambda Literary Awards

The 23rd Annual Lambda Literary Awards are for books published in 2010. Bisexual Fiction: The Lunatic, the Lover…

24th Lambda Literary Awards

The 24th Annual Lambda Literary Awards are for books published in 2011. Bisexual Fiction: The Correspondence…

LGBT Pride Month - Civil Rights

Some famous people in LGBT history Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month is observed every June in the United States and in several other countries. Learn about famous firsts by gay…