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Displaying 481 - 490

The Score

Director:Frank OzWriters:Kario Salem, Lem Dobbs, Scott Marshall SmithParamount; R; 123 minutesRelease:6/01Cast:Robert De Niro, Edward Norton, Marlon Brando Frank Oz is a man famous for his…

Walt Whitman: Song of the Redwood-Tree, Part 1

Part 1A California song, A prophecy and indirection, a thought impalpable to breathe as air, A chorus of dryads, fading, departing, or hamadryads departing, A murmuring, fateful, giant voice…

Walt Whitman: As I Ebb'd with the Ocean of Life

As I Ebb'd with the Ocean of LifePart 1As I ebb'd with the ocean of life, As I wended the shores I know, As I walk'd where the ripples continually wash you Paumanok, Where they rustle up…