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Displaying 361 - 370

Conrad Aiken: Morning Song of Senlin

Morning Song of SenlinConrad AikenIt is morning, Senlin says, and in the morning When the light drips through the shutters like the dew, I arise, I face the sunrise, And do the things my…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 28, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 27, 1806June 29, 1806June 28, 1806 Saturday June 28th 1806. This morning we collected our horses and set out as usual after an early…

The Odyssey

Contents Preface to First Edition Preface to Second Edition The Gods in Council--Miverva's Visit to Ithaca--The Challenge from Telemachus to the Suitors. Assembly of the People of…

Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount

(Encyclopedia) Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758–1805, British admiral. The most famous of Britain's naval heroes, he is commemorated by the celebrated Nelson Column in Trafalgar Square, London…


(Encyclopedia) laissez-fairelaissez-fairelĕsˌā fârˈ [key] [Fr.,=leave alone], in economics and politics, doctrine that an economic system functions best when there is no interference by government.…


(Encyclopedia) termite or white ant, common name for a soft-bodied social insect of the infraorder Isoptera. Originally classified in as a separate order, termites are genetically related to…

Strindberg, Johan August

(Encyclopedia) Strindberg, Johan AugustStrindberg, Johan Auguststrĭndˈbərg, Swed. y&oomacr;ˈhän ouˈgəst strĭndˈbĕrˌyə [key], 1849–1912, Swedish dramatist and novelist. He was a master of the…

Walt Whitman: No Labor-Saving Machine

No Labor-Saving MachineNo labor-saving machine, Nor discovery have I made, Nor will I be able to leave behind me any wealthy bequest to found hospital or library, Nor reminiscence of any…

June 2018 Current Events: US News

Top of Page World News | Science & Technology News | Disaster News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the world…