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(Encyclopedia) Killarney, town (1991 pop. 7,274), Co. Kerry, SW Republic of Ireland. The town, which has mineral-water bottling, footwear, lace, hosiery, woolens, and ornamental ironwork industries,…

Ericht, Loch

(Encyclopedia) Ericht, LochEricht, Lochlŏkh ĕrˈĭkht [key], lake, 15 mi (24 km) long and 1 mi (1.6 km) wide, Highland and Perth and Kinross, central Scotland. It is drained by the River Ericht. Part…

Avon Lake

(Encyclopedia) Avon Lake Avon Lake āˈvän [key], city (2020 pop. 25,206), Lorain co., NE Ohio, on Lake Erie; inc. 1917. It is chiefly a residential suburb of the Cleveland–…


(Encyclopedia) CalcasieuCalcasieukălˈkəs&oomacr; [key], river c.200 mi (320 km) long, rising in W central La. and flowing S through Lake Charles and Calcasieu Lake to the Gulf of Mexico. The…


(Encyclopedia) Kyoga or KiogaKiogakyōˈgä [key], lake, c.100 mi (160 km) long, formed by the Victoria Nile, S central Uganda, E Africa. It occupies part of the same depression as Lake Victoria, to…

Okeechobee Waterway

(Encyclopedia) Okeechobee Waterway or Cross-Florida Waterway, 155 mi (249 km) long, across S Fla., from Stuart on the Atlantic Ocean to Fort Myers on the Gulf of Mexico. Its main segments are the St…

Wast Water

(Encyclopedia) Wast WaterWast Waterwŏst [key], lake, 3 mi (4.8 km) long and 1&fslsh;2 mi (.8 km) wide, in the Lake District, NW England, SW of Keswick. It is the deepest lake in England (maximum…


(Encyclopedia) VygVygvĭg [key], Finn. Uikujärvi, Rus. Vygozero, lake, c.300 sq mi (780 sq km), NW European Russia, in Karelia, between Lake Onega and the White Sea. It is fed by the Vyg River, which…

Tahoe, Lake

(Encyclopedia) Tahoe, LakeTahoe, Laketäˈhō, tāˈ– [key], 193 sq mi (500 sq km), on the Calif.-Nev. line. It occupies a basin in the Sierra Nevada and is drained by the Truckee River. Lying 6,228 ft (1…

Gatún Lake

(Encyclopedia) Gatún LakeGatún Lakegät&oomacr;nˈ [key], artificial lake, 163 sq mi (422 sq km), Colón Prov., Panama, formed by the impounding of the Chagres River. Gatún Dam (completed 1912), 11…