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The Koran/Sura II — The Cow

Sura II — The Cow[852]Medina — 286 Verses In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful ELIF. LAM. MIM.[853] No doubt is there about this Book: It is a guidance to the God-fearing,…

Winter Olympics Memorable Moments

The legends and foibles of the Winter Olympics   Alpine and Nordic Skiing An Avalanche Named Killy A controversial sweep in alpine skiing Franz Klammer The man who gave himself "…

Svetasvatara Upanishad: First Adhyâya

1. The Brahma-students say: Is Brahman the cause? Whence are we born? Whereby do we live, and whither do we go? O ye who know Brahman, (tell us) at whose command we abide, whether in pain or in…

Chemistry: Covalent Compounds Get Mysterious

Covalent Compounds Get MysteriousChemistryBonding and Structure in Covalent CompoundsCovalent Compounds Get MysteriousThe Mystery and Wonder of Hybrid OrbitalsDrawing Lewis StructuresResonance…

Reading on the Web

You're probably saying to yourself "Hey! I already know how to read!" But reading pages on the Web is very different from reading information in a book. When you read on the Web, you need…

The Koran/Sura LXXII — Djinn

Sura LXXII — DjinnMecca — 28 Verses In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful SAY: It hath been revealed to me that a company of DJINN[383] listened, and said,—"Verily, we have…

Turkey Facts

Top of Page Source: iStockDo you know what male turkeys are called? Do turkeys roost in trees at night? Find out the answers to turkey trivia with our fast & fascinating facts about the wild…

Walt Whitman: As I Ebb'd with the Ocean of Life

As I Ebb'd with the Ocean of LifePart 1As I ebb'd with the ocean of life, As I wended the shores I know, As I walk'd where the ripples continually wash you Paumanok, Where they rustle up…

Geometry: The Pythagorean Theorem

The Pythagorean TheoremGeometryOpening Doors with Similar TrianglesThe Pythagorean TheoremParallel Segments and Segment ProportionsThree Famous Triangles Now that you know how to show that two…