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What You Need to Know About the Civil Rights Act

By Logan Chamberlain   When people discuss the Civil Rights Act, they almost universally mean the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The first thing you need to know is that this is not the only important…

What You Should Know About Credit Card Blocking

Source: FDIC Consumer News Credit card blocking is like having a slow leak in your spare tire: You are not aware of the problem until you need to do something about it. Credit card blocking…

How Well Do You Know Studio Ghibli Movies?

Studio Ghibli has enchanted audiences around the world with its imaginative storytelling, breathtaking animation, and memorable characters. But how much do you really know about these beloved films?…

How Much Do You Know About the Amazon River?

The Amazon River is one of the world's most impressive waterways, with a diverse ecosystem and a direct impact on fresh water in the oceans. But can you answer these facts about the Amazon River, its…

How Much Do You Know About the Triangle Trade?

Slave trading was some of the most contentious and woeful processes in history, with the so-called "triangle trade" or transatlantic slave trade one of the largest operations of its kind. What do you…