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Grail, Holy

(Encyclopedia) Grail, Holy, a feature of medieval legend and literature. It appears variously as a chalice, a cup, or a dish and sometimes as a stone or a caldron into which a bleeding lance drips.…

Hurd, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Hurd, Richard, 1720–1808, English theologian, editor, and critic. From 1781 until his death he was bishop of Worcester. His best-known works are Moral and Political Dialogues (1757)…


(Encyclopedia) primogeniture, in law, the rule of inheritance whereby land descends to the oldest son. Under the feudal system of medieval Europe, primogeniture generally governed the inheritance of…

Pat Knight Biography

Pat KnightAge: 70 fullback and defensive back with the N.Y. Giants from 1952-55; former NFL official; three-year letter winner at SMU. Died of a heart attack.Died: San Antonio, October 20,…

Knight, John S.

publisherBirthplace: Bluefield, W. Va.Born: 1894Died: 1981

The Devil's Dictionary: Knight

by Ambrose Bierce KLEPTOMANIACKORANKNIGHT -n. Once a warrior gentle of birth, Then a person of civic worth, Now a fellow to move our mirth. Warrior, person, and fellow — no more…

Brewer's: Belted Knight

The right of wearing belt and spurs. Even to the present day knights of the shire are “girt with a belt and sword,” when the declaration of their election is officially made. Source:…

Brewer's: Knight of the Cloak

(The). Sir Walter Raleigh. So called from his throwing his cloak into a puddle for Queen Elizabeth to step on as she was about to enter her barge. (See Kenilworth, chap. xv.) “Your…

Brewer's: Knight of the Post

A man in the pillory, or that has been tied to a whipping-post, is jestingly so called. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Knight of the Rueful…

Brewer's: Knights Bachelors

Persons who are simply knights, but belong to no order. (French, bas-chevaliers.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Knights BanneretsKnights A B C D E F…