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Whittington, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Whittington, Richard, 1358–1423, English merchant and lord mayor of London. He made his fortune as a mercer and then entered London politics to become successively councilman, alderman…

Rupert, Prince

(Encyclopedia) Rupert, Prince, 1619–82, count palatine of the Rhine. Born in Prague, he was the son of Frederick the Winter King, elector palatine and king of Bohemia, and Elizabeth, daughter of…

Lawrence, Jacob

(Encyclopedia) Lawrence, Jacob (Jacob Armstead Lawrence), 1917–2000, American painter, b. Atlantic City, N.J. One of the most important African-American artists of the late 20th cent., Lawrence…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 titles, terms used to designate degrees of sovereignty, nobility, and honor. In the Muslim world the temporal successors of Muhammad received the title caliph (literally, “…

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

(Encyclopedia) King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 1874–1950, Canadian political leader, b. Kitchener, Ont.; grandson of William Lyon Mackenzie. An expert on labor questions, he served in Wilfrid Laurier's…

Murillo, Bartolomé Estéban

(Encyclopedia) Murillo, Bartolomé EstébanMurillo, Bartolomé Estébanbärtōlōmāˈ āstāˈbän m&oomacr;rēˈlyō [key], 1617?–1682, Spanish religious and portrait painter. He was born in Seville, where…

Addams, Jane

(Encyclopedia) Addams, Jane, 1860–1935, American social worker, b. Cedarville, Ill., grad. Rockford College, 1881. In 1889, with Ellen Gates Starr, she founded Hull House in Chicago, one of the first…

Gordy, Berry, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Gordy, Berry, Jr., 1929–, African-American music-industry executive, b. Detroit. After stints in the army and as a professional boxer,…


(Encyclopedia) alliterationalliterationəlĭtˌərāˈshən [key], the repetition of the same starting sound in several words of a sentence. Probably the most powerful rhythmic and thematic uses of…

Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount

(Encyclopedia) Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758–1805, British admiral. The most famous of Britain's naval heroes, he is commemorated by the celebrated Nelson Column in Trafalgar Square, London…