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Displaying 361 - 370

Brewer's: Jolly

A sailor's nickname for a marine, who, in his opinion, bears the same relation to a “regular” as a jolly-boat or yawl does to a ship. (Danish, jollë, a yawl.) Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Nose of Wax

(A). Mutable and accommodating (faith). A waxen nose may be twisted any way. “Sed addunt etiam simile quoddam non aptissimum; Eas esse quoddammodo nasum cereum, posse fingi, flectique in…

Brewer's: Tussle

A struggle, a skirmish. A corruption of tousle (German, zausen, to pull); hence a dog is named Towser (pull 'em down). In the Winter's Tale (iv. 4.), Autolyeus says to the Shepherd, “I…

Highest-Ranking Officers in U.S. History

General and Commander-in-Chief1 General George Washinton. Source: Library of Congress.George Washington (1732–1799), b. Westmoreland County, Va., unanimously voted by Congress on…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 8, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 7, 1804August 9, 1804August 8, 1804 August the 8th 1804 Set out this morning at the usial time at about 2 miles (1) passed a part of the…

Anatomy and

Anatomy and PhysiologyAnatomy and Physiologych01s01 bonesch01s02 parts-bonech01s03 thats-long-short-itch01s04 more-things-changech01s05 now-with-self-repairing-optionch02s01 jointsch02s02 types-…

Guinea Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Guinea Index: Geography People History Government and Political Conditions Economy Defense Foreign Relations U.S.-Guinean Relations GEOGRAPHYGuinea is…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 25, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 24, 1805May 26, 1805May 25, 1805 Saturday May 25th 1805. The Two canoes which we left behind yesterday to bring on the meat did not arrive…

Rift Valley fever

(Encyclopedia) Rift Valley fever, acute viral disease that affects domestic livestock and can be transmitted to humans. The disease is most common in E and S Africa, but also occurs widely in sub-…