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(Encyclopedia) FantiFantifănˈtē, fänˈ– [key], black African ethnic group, S Ghana, living around Cape Coast and Elmina, one of the Akan peoples. The Fanti speak a Twi language, which is part of the…

Newport News

(Encyclopedia) Newport News, independent city (1990 pop. 170,045), SE Va., on the Virginia peninsula, at the mouth of the James River, off Hampton Roads, near Norfolk; inc. 1896. It is a port for…

National Security Council

(Encyclopedia) National Security Council (NSC), federal executive council responsible for planning, coordinating, and evaluating the defense policies of the United States and also exercising…


(Encyclopedia) cartilagecartilagekärˈtəlĭj [key], flexible semiopaque connective tissue without blood vessels or nerve cells. It forms part of the skeletal system in humans and in other vertebrates,…

Walsingham, Sir Francis

(Encyclopedia) Walsingham, Sir FrancisWalsingham, Sir Franciswôlˈsĭng-əm [key], 1532?–1590, English statesman. A zealous Protestant, he went abroad during the reign of Queen Mary I but returned on…

Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar

(Encyclopedia) Bernhard of Saxe-WeimarBernhard of Saxe-Weimarsăksˈ–wīˈmär, zäksˈə-vīˈmär [key], 1604–39, Protestant general in the Thirty Years War, duke of Weimar. Under Ernst von Mansfeld and the…

Betzig, Robert Eric

(Encyclopedia) Betzig, Robert Eric, 1960–, American physicist, b. Ann Arbor, Mich., Ph.D. Cornell, 1988. Betzig worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories from 1988 to 1996, when he become vice president…

Videla, Jorge Rafael

(Encyclopedia) Videla, Jorge RafaelVidela, Jorge Rafaelhôrˈhā räfäĕlˈ vēdāˈlä [key], 1925–2013, Argentine general and president. Born to a military family, he graduated (1944) from the National…

Camp David accords

(Encyclopedia) Camp David accords, popular name for the peace treaty forged in 1978 between Israel and Egypt at the U.S. presidential retreat at Camp David, Md. The official agreement was signed on…


(Encyclopedia) ultrasound or sonography, in medicine, technique that uses sound waves to study and treat hard-to-reach body areas. In scanning with ultrasound, high-frequency sound waves are…