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Joint Reckoning

Related Links Interview: Edward Ball1998 National Book AwardsInfoplease Celebrates Black History MonthThe Emancipation ProclamationPBS Online: Africans in AmericaShould the Government…

Brewer's: Joint

The times are out of joint. The times are disquiet and unruly. If the body is out of joint it cannot move easily, and so is it with the body corporate Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Anatomy and
Physiology: The Joints

The JointsAnatomy and PhysiologyThe JointsTypes of JointsHinges, Pivots, and Saddles … Oh My!The Dancer's AlphabetDon't Wait. Rotate! Now that you've learned all 206 bones, it's time to get a…

Brewer's: Nose Out of Joint

To put one's nose out of joint is to supplant a person in another's good graces. To put another person's nose where yours is now. There is a good French locution, “Lui couper l'herbe sous…

Current Joint Chiefs of Staff

From chairman to chief of the National Guard Bureau, here are the current Joint Chiefs of Staff PositionName, group Chairman of the Joint…

Anatomy and
Physiology: Types of Joints

Types of JointsAnatomy and PhysiologyThe JointsTypes of JointsHinges, Pivots, and Saddles … Oh My!The Dancer's AlphabetDon't Wait. Rotate! Any place where two bones meet is called an articulation…

The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)

Symbol of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Source: pnt.govJoint Chiefs of StaffOrigin of the Joint Chiefs of StaffPast Chairmen of the JCS The Joint Chiefs of Staff is composed of the…

Origin of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

At the beginning of WWII, President Roosevelt created a committee of U.S. staff commanders to coordinate operational strategy for the armed services. It was established as the American…

ball joint

(Encyclopedia) ball joint: see ball-and-socket joint.


(Encyclopedia) leg, one of the paired limbs of an animal used for support of the body and for locomotion. Properly, the human leg is that portion of the extremity between the foot and the thigh. This…