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John WINANS, Congress, WI (1831-1907)

WINANS John , a Representative from Wisconsin; born in Vernon, Sussex County, N.J., September 27, 1831; studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1855; moved to Janesville, Rock County, Wis., in…

Coleridge: Prefatory Note

IntroductionPrefatory Note The text of the poems in this volume is that of J. Dykes Campbell in the Globe edition of Coleridge's poems. For the introduction I have depended also largely…

Coleridge: Work without Hope, Notes

Youth and AgeEpitaphWork without Hope Lines Composed 21st February 1827 All Nature seems at work. Slugs leave their lair— The bees are stirring—birds are on the wing— And Winter…

Coleridge: Epitaph

Work without HopeNotesEpitaph Stop, Christian passer-by!—Stop, child of God, And read with gentle breast. Beneath this sod A poet lies, or that which once seemed he.— O, lift one…

Coleridge: Christabel, Notes

The Ancient MarinerKubla KhanChristabel 25,6-7-This couplet ran as follows in the first edition: "Sir Leoline, the Baron rich, Hath a toothless mastiff bitch." In the editions of…

Coleridge: France: an Ode, Notes

Kubla KhanDejection: an OdeFrance: an Ode When Coleridge republished this poem in the Post in 1802 he prefixed to it the following Argument First Stanza. An invocation to those objects…

Coleridge: Dejection: an Ode, Notes

France: an OdeYouth and AgeDejection: an Ode 55, 1 of motto-*yestreen*. Abbreviation of "yester-even," yesterday evening. 58, 82-*But now afflictions*, etc. In March 1801 Coleridge…

Coleridge: Youth and Age, Notes

Dejection: an OdeWork without HopeYouth and Age 60, 12-*trim skiffs*, etc. Fulton had invented the steamboat in 1807. The first regular steamboat in British waters was built in 1812. 61…

Coleridge: Work without Hope

Youth and AgeWork without Hope 62, 5-*the sole unbusy thing*. Cf. George Herbert's "Employment:" "All things are busie; onely I Neither bring hony with the bees, Nor flowers…

Coleridge: Notes

EpitaphNotesThe Ancient MarinerChristabelKubla KhanFrance: an OdeDejection: an OdeYouth and AgeWork without Hope