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Randolph, Peyton

(Encyclopedia) Randolph, Peyton, c.1721–1775, American political leader, first president of the Continental Congress, b. Williamsburg, Va. After a general education at the College of William and Mary…

Fiske, Bradley Allen

(Encyclopedia) Fiske, Bradley AllenFiske, Bradley Allenfĭsk [key], 1854–1942, American naval officer and inventor, b. Lyons, N.Y., grad. Annapolis, 1874. In the U.S. navy he devoted himself to the…

Yeats, Jack Butler

(Encyclopedia) Yeats, Jack ButlerYeats, Jack Butleryāts [key], 1871–1957, Irish painter, son of the painter John Butler Yeats and brother of the poet William Butler Yeats. He began his career as an…

Welch, Jack

(Encyclopedia) Welch, Jack (John Francis Welch, Jr.), 1935–2020, American business executive, b. Salem, Mass., grad. Univ. of Massachusetts (1957); Univ. of Illinois (M.S., 1958; Ph.D., chemical…

Sheppard, Jack

(Encyclopedia) Sheppard, Jack, 1702–24, English criminal. Raised in a workhouse, he ran away with Bess Lyon, known as Edgeworth Bess, who, with another girl known as Poll Maggott, incited him to a…

Andreas, Dwayne Orville

(Encyclopedia) Andreas, Dwayne Orville, 1918–2016, American business executive, b. Worthington, Minn. He worked in the family soybean-processing business, becoming a Cargill vice president when it…

Warner Brothers

(Encyclopedia) Warner Brothers, American movie studio executives and producers. Sons of poor E European Jewish immigrants, the brothers were Harry Morris (1881–1958), Albert (1884–1967), Samuel Louis…

The Daniels

The filmmaking duo known as the Daniels is made up of Daniel Kwan (10 February 1988) and Daniel Sheinert (7 June 1987). Together their second feature film, Everything Everywhere All At Once, was…

Daniel: 1

Daniel Chapter 1 1 In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and besieged it. 2 And the Lord gave Jehoiakim…

Daniel: 2

Daniel Chapter 2 1 And in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams, wherewith his spirit was troubled, and his sleep brake from him. 2 Then the…