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Pulitzer Prizes in Music

(For years not listed, no award was made.)1943Secular Cantata No. 2, A Free Song, William Schuman1944Symphony No. 4 (Op. 34), Howard Hanson1945Appalachian Spring, Aaron Copland1946The…

Shakespeare on Film

Infoplease picks the best film adaptations of Shakespeare by Shmuel Ross Relatively Faithful Adaptations • Looser Adaptations • Shakespeare as Launching Pad   Relatively Faithful Adaptations…

2 Maccabees: 6

2 Maccabees Chapter 6 1 Not long after this the king sent an old man of Athens to compel the Jews to depart from the laws of their fathers, and not to live after the laws of God…

Female Literary Figures

  Aidoo - Corelli | Dickinson - Luce | Mansfield - Rukeyser | Sackville - Yourcenar Anaïs Nin Biographies of Notable Women Actresses Adventurers Artists…

John Keats: Calidore

by JohnKeatsSpecimen of an Induction to a PoemTo Some LadiesCalidore A fragment Young Calidore is paddling o'er the lake; His healthful spirit eager and awake To feel the beauty of a…

Christina Rossetti: Maiden-Song

Maiden-SongLong ago and long ago, And long ago still, There dwelt three merry maidens Upon a distant hill. One was tall Meggan, And one was dainty May, But one was fair Margaret, More…

1982 Grammy Awards

Record of the Year“Rosanna,” TotoAlbum of the YearToto IV, Toto (Columbia)Song of the Year“Always on My Mind,” Johnny Christopher, Mark James and Wayne Carson, songwritersBest New ArtistMen…