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How to Buy Life Insurance

Source: The American Council of Life Insurers. Web: .Types of Life InsuranceFinding an AgentChoosing a PolicyConsider Other ProvisionsResearch the Company…


(Encyclopedia) Medicare, national health insurance program in the United States for persons aged 65 and over and the disabled. It was established in 1965 with passage of the Social Security…


(Encyclopedia) Medicaid, national health insurance program in the United States for low-income persons and persons with disabilities. It was established in 1965 with passage of the Social Security…


(Encyclopedia) broker, one who acts as an intermediary in a sale or other business transaction between two parties. Such a person conducts individual transactions only, is given no general authority…

socialized medicine

(Encyclopedia) socialized medicine, publicly administered system of national health care. The term is used to describe programs that range from government operation of medical facilities to national…

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

(Encyclopedia) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), an independent U.S. federal executive agency designed to promote public confidence in banks and to provide insurance coverage for bank…

Old Age, Disability, and Survivors Insurance

Nine out of ten workers in the U.S. are in employment or self-employment covered by the retirement, survivors, disability, and hospital insurance programs. The major groups not covered are:A…

Social Security: Who Pays for the Insurance?

Both workers and their employers pay for the workers' insurance. Self-employed persons pay their own social security contributions annually along with their income tax. The rates include the cost of…


(Encyclopedia) assurance: see insurance.


(Encyclopedia) annuity: see insurance.