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(Encyclopedia) UpanishadsUpanishads&oomacr;pănˈĭshădz [key], speculative and mystical scriptures of Hinduism, regarded as the wellspring of Hindu religious and speculative thought. The Upanishads…

Berners-Lee, Tim

(Encyclopedia) Berners-Lee, Tim (Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee), 1955–, British computer scientist, b. London, grad. The Queen's College, Oxford (B.A. 1976). He joined CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland,…

Boolean algebra

(Encyclopedia) Boolean algebraBoolean algebrab&oomacr;ˈlēən [key], an abstract mathematical system primarily used in computer science and in expressing the relationships between sets (groups of…

transit instrument

(Encyclopedia) transit instrument or transit, telescope devised to observe stars as they cross the meridian and used for determining time. Its viewing tube swings on a rigid horizontal axis…

Wolf, Markus Johannes

(Encyclopedia) Wolf, Markus JohannesWolf, Markus Johannesmärˈk&oobreve;s yōhänˈəs [key]Wolf, Markus Johannes vôlf [key], 1923–2006, East German spymaster. A legendary cold-war espionage chief, he…

Billings, John Shaw

(Encyclopedia) Billings, John Shaw, 1838–1913, American surgeon and librarian, b. Indiana. In the Civil War he was medical inspector of the Army of the Potomac. After the war he was given charge of…


(Encyclopedia) cerebellumcerebellumsĕrˌəbĕlˈəm [key], portion of the brain that coordinates movements of voluntary (skeletal) muscles. It contains about half of the brain's neurons, but these…

Nansen, Fridtjof

(Encyclopedia) Nansen, FridtjofNansen, Fridtjoffrĭtˈyôf nänˈsən [key], 1861–1930, Norwegian arctic explorer, scientist, statesman, and humanitarian. The diversity of Nansen's interests is shown in…

cell, in biology

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Animal cell cell, in biology, the unit of structure and function of which all plants and animals are composed. The cell is the smallest unit in the living organism that is…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 A. AM transmitter B. AM receiver radio, transmission or reception of electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency range. The term is commonly applied also to the equipment…