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American Friends Service Committee

(Encyclopedia) American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), organization est. 1917 by the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) that provides social services and information to the public in an…


(Encyclopedia) fatwa, in Islamic law, an opinion made by a judicial/religious scholar (a mufti) on a legal, civil, or religious matter. The fatwa is usually a valuable source of information on any…

Aldrich, Nelson Wilmarth

(Encyclopedia) Aldrich, Nelson Wilmarth, 1841–1915, U.S. Senator from Rhode Island, b. Foster, R.I. He rose in local politics as state assemblyman (1875–76) and U.S. Representative (1879–81) before…

Vasari, Giorgio

(Encyclopedia) Vasari, GiorgioVasari, Giorgiojôrˈjō väzäˈrē [key], 1511–74, Italian architect, writer, and painter. He is best known for his entertaining biographies of artists, Vite de' più…

Bongo, Omar

(Encyclopedia) Bongo, Omar (El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba)Bongo, Omarbôngˈgō [key], 1935–2009, Gabonese political leader, president of Gabon (1967–2009), b. Albert-Bernard Bongo. He entered the civil…


(Encyclopedia) ASCII or American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a set of codes used to represent letters, numbers, a few symbols, and control characters. Originally designed for teletype…

Kilby, Jack St. Clair

(Encyclopedia) Kilby, Jack St. Clair, 1923–2005, American electrical engineer, b. Jefferson City, Mo., B.S. Univ. of Illinois, 1947, M.S. Univ. of Wisconsin, 1950. In 1958, Kilby began working for…


(Encyclopedia) Chandragupta (Chandragupta Maurya)Chandraguptachändrəg&oobreve;pˈtə [key], fl. c.321 b.c.–c.298 b.c., Indian emperor, founder of the Maurya dynasty and grandfather of Aśoka. He…

Dura, ancient city, Syria

(Encyclopedia) DuraDurad&oobreve;rˈə [key] or EuropusDuray&oobreve;rōˈpəs [key], ancient city of Syria, E of Palmyra on a plateau above the Euphrates River. It is also called Dura-Europos or…

Radio Free Europe

(Encyclopedia) Radio Free Europe (RFE), broadcasting organization established in 1950 with the stated mission of promoting democratic values and institutions. Its original purpose was to broadcast…