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(Encyclopedia) fastifastifăsˈtī [key], in ancient Rome, dies fasti were days on which public business could be transacted without impiety. The word also came to be used for the calendars and almanacs…

Stone, Nicholas

(Encyclopedia) Stone, Nicholas, 1586–1647, English sculptor and mason, b. Devonshire. He rose to a position of highest importance as a decorative sculptor, working after designs by Inigo Jones. His…

Bloomberg, Michael Rubens

(Encyclopedia) Bloomberg, Michael Rubens, 1942–, American businessman and politician, mayor of New York City (2002–2013), b. Boston, Mass., B.S. Johns Hopkins, 1964, M.B.A. Harvard, 1966. Rising…

Richard of Devizes

(Encyclopedia) Richard of DevizesRichard of Devizesdĭvīˈzĭz [key], fl. late 12th cent., English chronicler and monk. He wrote a lively Chronicon de rebus gestis Ricardi primi [chronicle of the deeds…


(Encyclopedia) VantaaVantaavänˈtä [key], Swed. Vanda, city (1998 pop. 173,860), Southern Finland prov., S Finland. Located 6 mi (9.7 km) N of Helsinki, it is part of the Helsinki metropolitan area.…

Adler, Elmer

(Encyclopedia) Adler, ElmerAdler, Elmerădˈlər [key], 1884–1962, American bibliophile and printer, b. Rochester, N.Y. From 1930 to 1940 he published The Colophon, a highly regarded quarterly of…

Memphis, University of

(Encyclopedia) Memphis, University of, at Memphis, Tenn.; coeducational; opened 1912 as a normal school, became West Tennessee State Teachers College in 1925. The school was renamed Memphis State…

data processing

(Encyclopedia) data processing or information processing, operations (e.g., handling, merging, sorting, and computing) performed upon data in accordance with strictly defined procedures, such as…

Hand, Wayland Debs

(Encyclopedia) Hand, Wayland Debs, 1907–86, folklorist, b. Auckland, New Zealand. Hand wrote Popular Beliefs and Superstitions from North Carolina (1964), which is ranked among the finest published…

Consumers' Union

(Encyclopedia) Consumers' Union, product testing and rating organization founded (1936) to provide consumers with information and counsel regarding major retail goods and services. Through its…