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(Encyclopedia) foreshore: see beach.


(Encyclopedia) berm: see beach.


(Encyclopedia) backshore: see beach.

Jensen, Arthur Robert

(Encyclopedia) Jensen, Arthur Robert, 1923-2012, American social scientist and psychologist, b. San Diego, Ca, Univ. of Ca., Berkeley (B.A., 1945),…


(Encyclopedia) bar, offshore: see beach.


(Encyclopedia) choreachoreakərēˈə, kō– [key] or St. Vitus's dance, acute disturbance of the central nervous system characterized by involuntary muscular movements of the face and extremities. The…

Long Beach

(Encyclopedia) Long Beach. 1 City (1990 pop. 429,433), Los Angeles co., S Calif., on San Pedro Bay; est. 1882 as Willmore City, inc. 1888 as Long Beach. Having an excellent harbor, it serves as one…

Federal Estate and Gift Taxes

A Federal Estate Tax Return must generally be filed for the estate of every U.S. citizen or resident whose gross estate, taxable gifts, and specific exemptions exceed $2,000,000 for…

Brewer's: Three Estates of the Realm

are the nobility, the clergy, and the commonalty. In the collect for Gunpowder Treason we thank God for “preserving (1st) the king, and (2nd) the three estates of the realm;” from which it…

Brewer's: Fourth Estate of the Realm

(The). The daily press. The most powerful of all. Burke, referring to the Reporters' Gallery, said, “Yonder sits the Fourth Estate, more important than them all.” Source: Dictionary of…