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Jackson, Reggie

(Encyclopedia) Jackson, Reggie (Reginald Martinez Jackson), 1946–, American baseball player, b. Wyncote, Pa. In 21 years in the American League, most notably with the Oakland Athletics and New York…

Foxx, Jimmie

(Encyclopedia) Foxx, Jimmie (James Emory Foxx), 1907–67, American baseball player, b. Sudlersville, Md. Foxx played for the Philadelphia Athletics (1926–35), the Boston Red Sox (1936–42), the Chicago…

Top Web Brands (U.S. Home & Work), 2009

Find out which network web brands ranked in the top ten for 2009. RankBrandAvg Monthly Unique Audience (000) 1.Google147,301 2.Yahoo!134,179 3.MSN/Windows/Bing112,389 4.YouTube100,211 5.…