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Minnesota Orchestra

(Encyclopedia) Minnesota Orchestra, founded 1903. Since 1974 its home has been Orchestra Hall in downtown Minneapolis. The orchestra was one of the first to be recorded (early 1920s) and featured in…

Mojave Trails National Monument

(Encyclopedia) Mojave Trails National Monument, 1.6 million acres (647,000 hectares), SE California. Linking Joshua Tree National Park and Mojave National Preserve, it follows the trails of the…

Menchú, Rigoberta

(Encyclopedia) Menchú, RigobertaMenchú, Rigobertarēˌgōbĕrˈtä mĕnch&oomacr;ˈ [key], 1959–, Guatemalan social reformer. Of Mayan descent, she and her family were caught in Guatemala's bloody civil…

Chester, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) Chester, city (2020 pop. 32,605), Delaware co., SE Pa., on the Delaware River south of Philadelphia; settled c.1644 by Swedes, inc. as a…

Alanbrooke, Alan Francis Brooke, 1st Viscount

(Encyclopedia) Alanbrooke, Alan Francis Brooke, 1st ViscountAlanbrooke, Alan Francis Brooke, 1st Viscountălˈənbr&oobreve;kˌ [key], 1883–1963, British general. He entered the field artillery in…

Devonshire, Spencer Compton Cavendish, 8th duke of

(Encyclopedia) Devonshire, Spencer Compton Cavendish, 8th duke ofDevonshire, Spencer Compton Cavendish, 8th duke ofkăvˈəndĭsh, dĕvˈənshĭr [key], 1833–1908, British statesman. He became marquess of…

Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard

(Encyclopedia) Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm RichardDedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richardy&oomacr;lˈy&oobreve;s vĭlˈhĕlm rĭkhˈärt dāˈdəkĭnt [key], 1831–1916, German mathematician. Dedekind studied at…


(Encyclopedia) Dearborn, city (2020 pop. 109,976), Wayne co., SE Mich., on the River Rouge, adjoining Detroit; settled 1795, consolidated with the city…

Davidson, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Davidson, Thomas, 1842–1900, American scholar and philosopher, b. Scotland, grad. Univ. of Aberdeen, 1860. In 1866 he went to Canada and then to the United States. On a visit to London…

Kimball, Fiske

(Encyclopedia) Kimball, Fiske (Sidney Fiske Kimball), 1888–1955, American architect and writer, b. Newton, Mass. He was professor of architecture and fine arts at the Univ. of Michigan (1912–19) and…