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(Encyclopedia) scrip, temporary substitute for money, securities, or other valuable claims. Business enterprises and municipalities have at times, especially when short of cash, paid employees in…

scale, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) scale, in zoology, an outgrowth, either bony or horny, of the skin of an animal. The major component of the scales of fishes is bone, and they are formed directly in the skin membrane…

Cadamosto, Luigi da

(Encyclopedia) Cadamosto, Luigi daCadamosto, Luigi dal&oomacr;ēˈjē dä kädämôˈstō [key], 1432?–1488, Venetian navigator in the service of Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal. He seems to have…

Asian carp

(Encyclopedia) Asian carp, term for several large, hardy freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae (the minnow family) that are native to E Asia and have become invasive species in the United States.…

sea cucumber

(Encyclopedia) sea cucumber, any of the flexible, elongated echinoderms belonging to the class Holothuroidea. Although sea cucumbers have the basic echinoderm radial symmetry (see Echinodermata),…

mass number

(Encyclopedia) mass number, often represented by the symbol A, the total number of nucleons (neutrons and protons) in the nucleus of an atom. All atoms of a chemical element have the same atomic…

Kyrie eleison

(Encyclopedia) Kyrie eleisonKyrie eleisonkĭrˈēāˌ əlāˈēsŏnˌ, –sən [key] [Gr.,=Lord, have mercy], in the Roman Catholic Church, prayer of the Mass coming after the introit, the only ordinary part of…

Vostok, Lake

(Encyclopedia) Vostok, LakeVostok, Lakeväˈstôk [key], c.3,900 sq mi (10,000 sq km), c.155 mi (250 km) long and 30 mi (50 km) at its greatest width, in East Antartica beneath the remote Vostok…

wage and price controls

(Encyclopedia) wage and price controls, economic policy measure in which the government places a ceiling on wages and prices to curb inflation. Also known as incomes policy, such programs have…