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Alexander the Great

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Empire of Alexander the Great (including dependencies) Alexander the Great or Alexander III, 356–323 b.c., king of Macedon, conqueror of much of Asia. Whether or not…

Cyrus the Great

(Encyclopedia) Cyrus the GreatCyrus the Greatsīˈrəs [key], d. 529 b.c., king of Persia, founder of the greatness of the Achaemenids and of the Persian Empire. According to Herodotus, he was the son…

Charles the Great

(Encyclopedia) Charles the Great, Frankish king, emperor of the West: see Charlemagne.

Theodoric the Great

(Encyclopedia) Theodoric the Great, c.454–526, king of the Ostrogoths and conqueror of Italy, b. Pannonia. He spent part of his youth as a hostage in Constantinople. Elected king in 471 after his…

nitrogen mustard

(Encyclopedia) nitrogen mustard, any of various poisonous compounds originally developed for military use (see poison gas). Like mustard gas and lewisite, it is a vesicant (blistering agent). In the…


(Encyclopedia) CubangoCubangok&oomacr;bängˈgō [key], KuvangoKuvangok&oomacr;vängˈgō [key]Kuvango–vängˈ– [key], or OkavangoOkavangoōkəvängˈgō [key], river, c.1,000 mi (1,610 km) long, rising…