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Brewer's: Satyr

The most famous representation of these goat-men is that of Praxiteles, a sculptor of Athens in the fourth century B.C. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Yule Swain

(The). A kind of Santa Klaus among the Lapps. He is eleven feet high, and rides on a goat. He appears on St. Thomas's Day, and continues his visits till Christmas Eve; but where he comes…

2002 Tony (Antoinette Perry) Awards

The Tony Awards, honoring distinguished achievement in Broadway theater, were presented on June 2, 2002.Play: Edward Albee's The Goat or Who Is Sylvia?Musical: Thoroughly Modern…

Brewer's: Baviad

(The). A merciless satire by Gifford on the Della Cruscan poetry, published 1794. The word is from Virgil's Eclogue, iii. 9. He may with foxes plough, and milk he-goats, Who praises Bavins…

Brewer's: Camelote

(2 syl.). Fustian, rubbish, trash. The cloth so called ought to be made of goats' hair, but is a mixture of wool and silk, wool and hair, or wool, silk, and hair, etc. (French, camelot;…

Brewer's: Chimaera

[kimera]. An illusory fancy, a wild, incongruous scheme, a castle in the air. Homer describes the chimæra as a monster with a goat's body, a lion's head, and a dragon's tail. It was born…

Brewer's: Diphthera

The skin of the goat Amalthe'a on which Jove wrote the destiny of man. Diphtheria is an infectious disease of the throat so called from its tendency to form a false membrane. Source:…

Brewer's: Amedamnée

(French), a scape-goat. “He is the ame damnée of everyone about the court—the scapegoat, who is to carry away all their iniquities.” —SirWalterScott: Peveril of the Peak, chap. 48.…

Brewer's: Skin a Flint

To be very exacting in making a bargain. The French say, “Tondre sur un oeuf. ” The Latin, lana caprina (goat's wool), means something as worthless as the skin of a flint or fleece of an…

Asian Food Primer: Tibetan Food

by David Johnson Asian Foods Guide Common ingredients and popular dishes of various cultures. IntroductionEast Asia ChinaJapanKoreaMongoliaTibet Pacific Region FijiHawaiiPapua New…