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Displaying 161 - 170

The Devil's Dictionary: Hope

by Ambrose Bierce HONORABLEHOSPITALITYHOPE -n. Desire and expectation rolled into one. Delicious Hope! when naught to man it left — Of fortune destitute, of friends bereft; When…

Aesop's Fables: The Lion and the Ass

by Aesop The Lark and the FarmerThe ProphetThe Lion and the Ass A Lion and an Ass set up as partners and went a-hunting together. In course of time they came to a cave in which there were…

Aesop's Fables: The Hunter and the Horseman

by Aesop The Swallow and the CrowThe Goatherd and the Wild GoatsThe Hunter and the Horseman A Hunter went out after game, and succeeded in catching a hare, which he was carrying home with…

Aesop's Fables: The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf

by Aesop The Ass and His BurdensThe Fox and the GoatThe Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf A Shepherd's Boy was tending his flock near a village, and thought it would be great fun to hoax the…

Aesop's Fables: The Old Lion

by Aesop The She-Goats and Their BeardsThe Boy BathingThe Old Lion A Lion, enfeebled by age and no longer able to procure food for himself by force, determined to do so by cunning.…