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faro, card game

(Encyclopedia) farofarofârˈō [key] [for Pharaoh, from an old French card design], gambling game played with a pack of 52 cards. First played in France and England, faro was especially popular in U.S…

bridge, card game

(Encyclopedia) bridge, card game derived from whist, played with 52 cards by four players in two partnerships. Bridge probably originated in the Middle East in the 19th cent. Auction bridge, one…

Harsanyi, John Charles

(Encyclopedia) Harsanyi, John Charles, 1920–2000, Hungarian-American economist, b. Budapest, grad. Univ. of Budapest (Ph.D., 1947), Stanford (Ph.D., 1959). Harsanyi briefly taught (1947–48) sociology…


(Encyclopedia) backgammonbackgammonbăkˈgămˌən, băkˌgămˈən [key], game of chance and skill played by two persons upon a specially marked board divided by a space, called the bar, into two tables (…


(Encyclopedia) croquetcroquetkrōkāˈ [key], lawn game in which the players hit wooden balls with wooden mallets through a series of 9 or 10 wire arches, or wickets. The first player to hit the posts…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 A regulation baseball field. Minimum distance to the outfield fence is 250 ft; professional baseball fields constructed since 1958 have been at least 325 ft deep along the foul…

Wilson, Robert Butler, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Wilson, Robert Butler, Jr., 1973–, American economist, b. Geneva, Nebr., D.B.A. Harvard, 1963. A faculty member at the Stanford Graduate School of Business since 1964 (emeritus from…


(Encyclopedia) rummy, card game played by two to six players with a standard deck. The cards usually rank from king down through ace. Seven cards are dealt to each player in the three- or four-hand…

cricket, sport

(Encyclopedia) cricket, ball-and-bat game played chiefly in Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries. In the early 21st cent., Twenty20, a new version of cricket with a much faster, more…