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Xerxes the Great

The Persian king who nearly conquered Greece This carving on Xerxes' tomb depicts soldiers from the many nations of the Achaemenid Empire.The first of many Persian empires was the Achaemenid Empire.…

John Huang, 1997 News

Democratic fund raiser, was linked to more than $1 million in questionable contributions.

October 1998 News and Events

1998 News Month-By-MonthWorldChina to Improve Human Rights (Oct. 5): Signs major international agreement that includes ban on arbitrary arrest and torture, and protects freedom of thought,…

Timeline of Affirmative Action Milestones

Learn about the major milestones in the history of affirmative action. 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s March 6, 1961 Executive Order 10925 makes the first reference to "affirmative action"…

Kiribati Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note KiribatiKiribati dancers participate in New Year's ceremony on Millennium Island, Kiribati, Saturday, January 1, 2000. [© AP Images] PROFILEOFFICIAL NAME…

Niger Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Niger Index: People Government and Political Conditions Economy Defense U.S.-Nigerien Relations PEOPLEConsiderable evidence indicates that about 600,000…