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Olympic Athletes

The sponsorship behind the athletes by Elizabeth Olson Related Links Olympics OverviewU.S. Olympic Training FacilitiesEncyclopedia: Ancient OlympicsMemorable Olympic MomentsBeijing: 2008…

The Prize

The winnings, the winners by Beth Rowen The Winnings Each winner of a Nobel Prize, which can go to individuals and institutions, takes home a medal, a diploma, and cash, which varies…

Brewer's: Queen Anne's Bounty

A fund created out of the firstfruits and tenths, which were part of the papal exactions before the Reformation. The firstfruits are the whole first year's profits of a clerical living,…

Brewer's: Plan of Campaign

(The). Often cited shortly as “The Plan,” promulgated by John Dillon in October, 1886. It provided that Irish tenants on an estate should band together, and determine what abatement of…

Brewer's: Fun

To make fun of. To make a butt of; to ridicule; to play pranks on one. (Compare Irish fonn, delight.) Like fun. Thoroughly, energetically, with delight. On'y look at the dimmercrats, see…

Brewer's: Funeral

means a torchlight procession (from the Latin, funis, a torch), because funerals among the Romans took place at night by torchlight, that magistrates and priests might not be violated by…

America's Most Endangered Places 2007

Brooklyn's Industrial Waterfront among American sites most at risk by Mark Zurlo Greer Spring, Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri America's Most Endangered Places America's Most Endangered…

March 2004

WorldPutin Appoints Prime Minister (March 1): Russian president names Mikhail Fradkov as premier. (March 14): Putin overwhelmingly reelected to a second term. Suicide Bombers Hit Iraqi…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 30

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 29Federalist No. 31Federalist No. 30 Concerning the General Power of Taxation To the People of the State of New York: It…