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Displaying 171 - 180

Brewer's: Troxartas

[bread-cater ]. King of the mice and father of Psycarpax, who was drowned. Fix their council ... Where great Troxartas crowned in glory reigns ... Psycarpax' father, father now no more'…

Brewer's: Yellow-bellies

Frogs, fenmen. The Mexicans are so called. “When the Queen's Prize was won at Wimbledon, July 21st, 1885, by Sergeant Bulmer, 2nd Lincoln, his victory was hailed with `Well done, yellow-…

Brewer's: Scythian Defiance

When Darius approached Scythia, an ambassador was sent to his tent with a bird, a frog, a mouse, and five arrows, then left without uttering a word. Darius, wondering what was meant, was…

Brewer's: Log

An instrument for measuring the velocity of a ship. It is a flat piece of wood, some six inches in radius, and in the shape of a quadrant. A piece of lead is nailed to the rim to make the…

Carnivorous Plants

Flipping the food chain Venus's flytrap   Most carnivorous plants eat flying, foraging, or crawling insects. Those that live in or around water capture very small aquatic prey like mosquito…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 2, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 1, 1804August 3, 1804August 2, 1804 August 2nd 1804 wind from the SE G. Drewery returned with the horses & one Doe Elk the countrey…

The Harry Potter Haiku Archive, Part VI

Wizardry poetry from our readers! On to the Haiku Archive, Parts I, II, III, IV, V, VII, and other kinds of Harry poems! All About Harry Haikus Emerald green eyes?…

About Harry Haikus

by Holly Hartman FROM THE FACTMONSTER: Monster gets the mail likes to read funny haiku write by Harry fans HAIKU ARCHIVES Harry Links The Harry Haiku ArchiveQuiz on Books 1 and 2Quiz on Book…

Brewer's: Cock and Bull Story

A corruption of a concocted and bully story. The catch-pennies hawked about the streets are still called cocks- i.e. concocted things. Bully is the Danish bullen (exaggerated), our bull-…