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Brewer's: Free Coup

(in Scotland) means a piece of waste land where rubbish may be deposited free of charge. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Free LancesFree Bench A B C D E…

Brewer's: Free Lances

Roving companies of knights, etc., who wandered from place to place, after the Crusades, selling their services to anyone who would pay for them. In Italy they were termed Condottieri.…

Brewer's: Free Spirit

Brethren of the Free Spirit. A fanatical sect, between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, diffused through Italy, France, and Germany. They claimed “freedom of spirit,” and based…

Brewer's: Free Trade

The Apostle of Free Trade. Richard Cobden (1804-65). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894FreebooterFree Spirit A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q…

Helen Murray Free

Helen Murray Free Born: 1923 Indicator for detecting glucose—Her work in diagnostic chemistry led to the development of many tests used in urine testing, including CLINISTIX®, introduced in…

NBA Individual Records, Game

(Through 2005–2006 season)Most points, game—100, Wilt Chamberlain, Philadelphia vs. New York, 1962Most free throws, game—28, Wilt Chamberlain, Philadelphia vs. New York, 1962; 28, Adrian…

Seaga, Edward Philip George

(Encyclopedia) Seaga, Edward Philip GeorgeSeaga, Edward Philip Georgesēˈägä [key], 1930–2019, prime minister of Jamaica (1980–89). Born in Boston, Mass., to Jamaican parents of Lebanese, European,…

International Trade: Arguments Against Free Trade

Arguments Against Free TradeInternational TradeIntroductionExports, Imports—Why Bother?The Argument for Free TradeArguments Against Free TradeBarriers to International TradeInternational Trade…

The Devil's Dictionary: Marriage

by Ambrose Bierce MANNAMARTYRMARRIAGE -n. The state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress and two slaves, making in all, two.