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Henderson, Rickey Henley

(Encyclopedia) Henderson, Rickey Henley, 1958–, American baseball player, b. Chicago. An outfielder with the Oakland Athletics (1979–84, 1989–93, 1994–95, 1998), New York Yankees (1985–89), Toronto…

Graf, Steffi

(Encyclopedia) Graf, SteffiGraf, Steffigräf, grăf [key], 1969–, German tennis player. A powerful baseliner, she drew international attention by winning the 1984 Olympic demonstration event. Graf won…

Makeba, Miriam

(Encyclopedia) Makeba, MiriamMakeba, Miriamməkāˈbə [key], 1932–2008, South African singer. She became the first black South African to achieve international fame and she played a fundamental role in…


(Encyclopedia) legitimation, act of giving the status of legitimacy to a child whose parents were not married at the time the child was born. This is generally accomplished by the subsequent marriage…

Clarence, Lionel, duke of

(Encyclopedia) Clarence, Lionel, duke of, 1338–68, third son of Edward III of England. His marriage (1352) to Elizabeth de Burgh gained him the title and lands of the earl of Ulster. Governor of…

Abraham Lincoln Biography

Read and watch to learn more about our 16th president Watch this video to learn about Abraham Lincoln as a man and president. Hear about Lincoln's…


(Encyclopedia) Pinkie, battlefield, E of Edinburgh, Scotland. There the English under Edward Seymour, duke of Somerset, defeated a larger Scottish force on Sept. 10, 1547. Somerset's invasion of…

Gretna Green

(Encyclopedia) Gretna Green, village, Dumfries and Galloway, S Scotland, on the border with England. It was famous as a place of runaway marriages from 1754, when English marriage law was tightened,…


(Encyclopedia) bigamybigamybĭˈgəmē [key], crime of marrying during the continuance of a lawful marriage. Bigamy is not committed if a prior marriage has been terminated by a divorce or a decree of…