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(Encyclopedia) Niles. 1 Village (1990 pop. 28,284), Cook co., NE Ill., a residential suburb adjacent to Chicago, on the Chicago River; settled 1832, inc. 1899. The village has a replica (half size)…Fort Sam Houston
(Encyclopedia) Fort Sam Houston, U.S. army facility, S Tex., in San Antonio; headquarters of the U.S. Army North and the U.S. Army South. In 2010 it was amalgamated with Lackland and Randolph air…Fort Washington Park
(Encyclopedia) Fort Washington Park: see National Parks and Monuments (table)national parks and monuments (table).Brewer's: Marine
(2 syl.). The female Marine. Hannah Snell, of Worcester, who took part in the attack on Pondicherry. She ultimately left the service and opened a public-house in Wapping (London), but…Simancas
(Encyclopedia) SimancasSimancassēmängˈkäs [key], village, Valladolid prov., NW Spain, in Castile and León. The castle, an old fort rebuilt in the 15th cent., contains the Spanish national archives.…Qu'Appelle
(Encyclopedia) Qu'AppelleQu'Appellekäpĕlˈ [key], river, c.270 mi (430 km) long, rising in S Sask., Canada, NW of Moose Jaw and flowing generally E through Buffalo Pound Lake and Fishing Lakes, past…Manhattan, city, United States
(Encyclopedia) Manhattan, city (1990 pop. 37,712), seat of Riley co., NE Kans., at the confluence of the Big Blue and Kansas rivers; inc. 1857. It is the trade and processing center of a farm area.…Merrifield, Robert Bruce
(Encyclopedia) Merrifield, Robert Bruce, 1921–2006, American chemist, b. Fort Worth, Tex., Ph.D. Univ. of California at Los Angeles, 1949. As a researcher at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical…Diamond Head
(Encyclopedia) Diamond Head, peak, 761 ft (232 m) high, along the rim of an extinct volcano, SE Oahu island, Hawaii. A prominent point in the Honolulu skyline, Diamond Head was designated a national…Cushing, William Barker
(Encyclopedia) Cushing, William Barker, 1842–74, Union naval hero in the Civil War, b. Delafield, Wis., educated at Annapolis. Cushing became noted for a series of daredevil exploits, particularly…