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(Encyclopedia) MerodachMerodachmĕrˈōdăk, mērōˈdăk [key], biblical form of the name of the god Marduk of Babylon.


(Encyclopedia) earthenware, form of pottery fired at relatively low temperatures, so that the clay does not vitrify (become glassy), as do stoneware and porcelain clays. Occasionally, earthenware is…

Dodo, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) DodoDododōˈdō [key], in the Bible, father of the mighty man Eleazar. An alternate form is Dodai.


(Encyclopedia) CalebCalebkāˈlĕb [key], in the Bible, principal spy sent into Canaan, noted for his faithfulness to God. The name is mentioned elsewhere, apparently in connection with a clan…

White, John, English colonizer

(Encyclopedia) White, John, 1575–1648, English colonizer. An Anglican priest of moderate Puritan belief, White wished to establish a colony for Puritans. He helped form (1628) the New England Company…


(Encyclopedia) coral, small, sedentary marine animal, related to the sea anemone but characterized by a skeleton of horny or calcareous material. The skeleton itself is also called coral. Although…


(Encyclopedia) Tallapoosa, river, 268 mi (431 km) long, rising in NW Ga. and flowing SW through E Ala.; joins the Coosa River near Montgomery, Ala., to form the Alabama River. Martin, Thurlow, and…


(Encyclopedia) KirjathaimKirjathaimkərjəthāˈĭm [key], in the Bible. 1 Town, N ancient Palestine. An alternate form is Kartan. 2 See Kiriathaim.

Dordogne, river, France

(Encyclopedia) Dordogne, river, c.305 mi (490 km) long, rising near the Puy de Sancy in the Auvergne Mts., S central France. It flows southwest to join the Garonne River N of Bordeaux and to form the…

Dodge, David Low

(Encyclopedia) Dodge, David Low, 1774–1852, American merchant and pacifist, b. Brooklyn, Conn. In 1815 he founded the New York Peace Society, possibly the first such organization to be established.…