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(Encyclopedia) propaganda, systematic manipulation of public opinion, generally by the use of symbols such as flags, monuments, oratory, and publications. Modern propaganda is distinguished from…

Johns, Jasper

(Encyclopedia) Johns, Jasper, 1930–, American artist, b. Augusta, Ga. Influenced by Marcel Duchamp in the mid-1950s, Johns attempted to transform common objects into art by placing them in an art…

Eastwood, Clint

(Encyclopedia) Eastwood, Clint (Clinton Eastwood, Jr.), 1930–, American actor and director, b. San Francisco. Eastwood, who began his acting career in 1955, came to public attention in the TV Western…

sewing machine

(Encyclopedia) sewing machine, device that stitches cloth and other materials. An attempt at mechanical sewing was made in England (1790) with a machine having a forked, automatic needle that made a…

amusement park

(Encyclopedia) amusement park, a commercially operated park offering various forms of entertainment, such as arcade games, carousels, roller coasters, and performers, as well as food, drink, and…


(Encyclopedia) neutrality, in international law, status of a nation that refrains from participation in a war between other states and maintains an impartial attitude toward the belligerents.…

Waugh, Evelyn Arthur St. John

(Encyclopedia) Waugh, Evelyn Arthur St. JohnWaugh, Evelyn Arthur St. Johnēvˈlĭn, sĭnˈjən wô [key], 1903–66, English writer, considered the greatest satirist of his generation. Educated at Oxford, he…


(Encyclopedia) eagle, common name for large predatory birds of the family Accipitridae (hawk family), found in all parts of the world. Eagles are similar to the buteos, or buzzard hawks, but are…

Hispanic American Countries of Origin

Over 50 million people identified themselves as Hispanic or Latino on the 2010 census Argentina Bolivia Chile Colombia Costa Rica CubaDominican Republic Ecuador El…

United States v. Eichman (1990)

Case SummaryEichman and others were prosecuted under the federal Flag Protection Act for setting fire to American flags. Eichman and the others stated that the Act violated the First…