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First Degree: Signs/Symptoms—reddened skin. Treatment—Immerse quickly in cold water or apply ice until pain stops. Second Degree: Signs/Symptoms—reddened skin, blisters. Treatment—(1) Cut…


Treatment—(1) Dilute by drinking large quantities of water. (2) Induce vomiting except when poison is corrosive or a petroleum product. (3) Call the poison-control center or a doctor…

Treating Shock

Shock may accompany any serious injury: blood loss, breathing impairment, heart failure, burns. Shock can kill—treat as soon as possible and continue until medical aid is available. Signs/…

Treating a Nosebleed

Nosebleeds are more often annoying than life threatening. They are more common during cold weather, when heated air dries out nasal passages. Treatment—(1) Keep the victim quietly seated,…

Treating Frostbite

Most frequently frostbitten: toes, fingers, nose, and ears. It is caused by exposure to cold. Signs/Symptoms—(1) Skin becomes pale or a grayish-yellow color. (2) Parts feel cold and numb. (3…

Heat Cramps

Affects people who work or do strenuous exercises in a hot environment. To prevent it, such people should drink large amounts of cool water and add a pinch of salt to each glass of water.…

Treating Heat Exhaustion

Signs/Symptoms—(1) Pale and clammy skin. (2) Profuse perspiration. (3) Rapid and shallow breathing. (4) Weakness, dizziness, and headache. Treatment—(1) Care for victim as if he or she were…

Heat Stroke

Signs/Symptoms—(1) Face is red and flushed. (2) Victim becomes rapidly unconscious. (3) Skin is hot and dry with no perspiration. Treatment—(1) Lay victim down with head and shoulders raised. (2)…

Other Emergencies

Other EmergenciesBurnsPoisonsShockNosebleedFrostbiteHeat CrampsHeat ExhaustionHeat StrokeFirst AidChoking

First Aid

Cite Rescue Breathing CPR (Adult) Choking Burns Poisons Shock Nosebleed Frostbite Heat Cramps Heat Exhaustion Heat Stroke Other Emergencies Life-…