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Displaying 391 - 400

Stevenson, Burton Egbert

(Encyclopedia) Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 1872–1962, American author, compiler and librarian, b. Chillicothe, Ohio, studied (1890–93) at Princeton. He was founder (1918) of the American Library in…

First Round <span class="rm" >(Best of 5)</span>

W-LAvg.Leading Scorer Indiana1-387.3Miller (31.3)Philadelphia3-193.5Iverson (31.5)DateWinnerHome CourtApr. 21Pacers, 79-78at PhiladelphiaApr. 2476ers, 116-98at PhiladelphiaApr. 2876ers, 92-…

Rehoboth, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) RehobothRehobothrĭhōˈbəth [key] [Heb.,=broad places]. 1 As occurring in the Book of Genesis, well dug by Isaac. 2 City of Assyria, or possibly a part of Nineveh, mentioned in Genesis.…

William Ellery Leonard: Indian Summer

Indian Summer(After completing a book for one now dead)William Ellery Leonard (O Earth-and-Autumn of the Setting Sun, She is not by, to know my task is done.) In the brown grasses slanting…

Weather: Getting Down to Basics

Getting Down to BasicsWeatherWhat Should I Wear?Playing the OddsGetting Down to BasicsForecasting from the Beginning Although this introduction to weather forecasting may seem flip, it is meant to…